

PyOffers provide HasOffersAPI class to interact with HasOffers API.

from pyoffers.api import HasOffersAPI

hasoffers = HasOffersAPI(

Possible options:

URL, which points to HasOffers server. It may contain your subdomain as well - https://<your_subdomain>
Your NetworkToken.
Your NetworkId.
Whether to verify SSL certificate or not. HasOffers SSL cert doesn’t cover subdomains like mentioned above. Only * and
Number of retries to make a request in case of exceeding HasOffers API rate limit.
Seconds to wait between retries.
Controls library’s verbosity level. With 3 the request params and raw response will be printed to console.

With this class instance you can perform requests to the API.


The core idea of interaction with model is based on managers. To work with HasOffers data model you should use appropriate manager. For now only very limited part of models are presented.

Core managers methods

create(self, **kwargs)

Just pass model data as kwargs to create new instance of model. The new instance will be returned.

update(self, id, **kwargs)

Takes id of existing model instance and new data as kwargs. Updated instance will be returned.

find_by_id(self, id, contain=None)

If you pass related models names to contain argument, then if related model exists it will be attached to the returned object as its attribute.

>>> offer = hasoffers.offers.find_by_id(id=62, contain=['Country'])
>>> print(
<Country: 724>
find_all(self, sort=(), limit=None, page=None, contain=None, **kwargs)

sort can be a single field name or list of them. To sort in descending order put - before the field name.

>>> hasoffers.offers.find_all(sort='-id')
[<Offer: 9>,
 <Offer: 7>,
 <Offer: 5>,
 <Offer: 3>,
 <Offer: 1>]

There are some extra features to make advanced queries. To use different operators you should append its name to the end of the field_name. Example. To get all offers with id greater than 100:

>>> hasoffers.offers.find_all(id__gt=100, sort='id')
[<Offer: 102>,
 <Offer: 104>,
 <Offer: 106>,
 <Offer: 108>,
 <Offer: 110>,
 <Offer: 112>]

PyOffers supports the following operators:

  • ne - NOT_EQUAL_TO
  • lt - LESS_THAN
  • like - LIKE
  • not_like - NOT_LIKE
  • null - NULL
  • not_null - NOT_NULL
  • true - TRUE
  • false - FALSE

To perform OR queries pass connector='OR' as filter. To get all offers with active status OR with USD currency:

>>> hasoffers.offers.find_all(status='active', currency='USD', connector='OR')

To skip models instantiation you can pass raw=True to underlying _call method. This makes it possible to perform queries without instantiation of model instances.

>>> hasoffers.advertisers._call('findAllIds', raw=True)
['1', '2', '3', '4']


  • Advertiser - hasoffers.advertisers
  • Conversion - hasoffers.conversions
  • Country - As the model has no methods then hasoffers.countries manager has no methods too.
  • Goal - hasoffers.goals
  • Offer - hasoffers.offers
  • Affiliate - hasoffers.affiliates
  • AffiliateUser - hasoffers.affiliate_users
  • OfferFile - hasoffers.offer_files

Raw logs

pyoffers provides RawLog model with 3 managers for different types of logs. They behave identically:

  • hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks - logs about clicks.
  • hasoffers.raw_logs.conversions - about conversions.
  • hasoffers.raw_logs.impressions - about impressions.

To get all logs directories:

>>> hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks.list_date_dirs()
[<DateDir: Sep 20, 2016 (20160920)>, <DateDir: Sep 19, 2016 (20160919)>, ...]

Every directory has 2 attributes:

  • displayName
  • dirName

And list_logs method:

>>> directory = hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks.list_date_dirs()[0]
>>> directory.list_logs()
[<LogFile: Sep 20, 2016 - 11:00 am (20160920/>, ...]

Each log file has:

  • download_link - link to ZIP archive at Amazon S3.
  • content - raw CSV content of this archive.
  • records - all data from CSV wrapped as LogRecord instances.

All these attributes are cached on LogFile instance level. For convenience it is possible to get all records for some date:

>>> hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks.find_all('20160920')
[<LogRecord: 7 (1027a606128bd067105f0b0921840f)>, ...]

Also it is possible to get records for month or even for year. But it will take some time to download all data.

>>> september_clicks = hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks.find_all('201609')
>>> year_clicks = hasoffers.raw_logs.clicks.find_all('2016')

Offer files (Creatives)

OfferFile provides and ability to upload offer file (aka “Creative” in Hasoffers terms). To do so, you can use create method:

>>>hasoffers.offer_files.create('/relative/or/absolute/path/test.png', display='TEST_FILE',
    type='offer thumbnail', width=200,height=100, offer_id=438, filename='custom_filename.png')
<OfferFile: 98>